Delusions of Grandeur- Blog
Stories, memories and random thoughts about being a Star Wars fan for over 40 years.

Your Clones Are Very Impressive
The original Kenner line presented a challenge when it came to categorizing and presenting my collection on my website. Since the original line was released

From a Certain Point of View
Yesterday I announced my new website The Ways of the Force. Today I thought I would talk about the graphic on the Welcome Page. The

You Must Learn The Ways of the Force
A long time ago… I began this blog and then went several years without posting. Well, a few months ago, while working on my collection

Are you allowed to love? I thought it was forbidden for a Jedi.
And now a new type of post. The purpose of this blog is not just to record stories of my past acquisitions but to serve

First Step Into A Larger World
Most Star Wars fans who where around in 1977 know the story of Kenner’s “Early Bird Kit”. Basically, nobody, including the toy company Kenner,

This Will Be A Day Long Remembered
I first saw Star Wars in late May or early June of 1977 – I can’t remember the actual date. I didn’t really want
Worthy of Recognition in the Archives of the Jedi Order
Back in 2002 I was wondering what the point of having a collection was when it was just stored in boxes under the stairs. I
Your Focus Determines Your Reality
So it’s been almost a year since I started this blog and I’ve only made the original post. I decided that this blog needs a
For Everything There Is A First Time
As the title of this post suggests, this is my first time blogging. I have been considering using this as a creative outlet since seeing