Captain Phasma and First Order Stormtroopers Cup The Sequel Trilogy Cups, Dishes, Housewares, Plastic Collection: The Force Awakens
BB-8 Plastic Cup Episode VII: The Force Awakens Cups, Housewares, Partner Promotions, Plastic Collection: The Force Awakens Company: Subway
Kylo Ren Plastic Cup Episode VII: The Force Awakens Cups, Housewares, Partner Promotions, Plastic Collection: The Force Awakens Company: Subway
Finn Plastic Cup Episode VII: The Force Awakens Cups, Housewares, Partner Promotions, Plastic Collection: The Force Awakens Company: Subway
EP II: Anakin and Jango 17oz. Plastic Cup Episode II: Attack of the Clones Cups, Dishes, Housewares, Plastic Company: Hallmark
Jabba/ Vader & Guards Plastic Cup Episode VI: Return of the Jedi Cups, Housewares, Partner Promotions, Plastic Collection: Return of the Jedi Company: Pepperidge Farms
Max Rebo Band/ Logray Plastic Cup Episode VI: Return of the Jedi Cups, Housewares, Partner Promotions, Plastic Collection: Return of the Jedi Company: Pepperidge Farms
C-3PO, R2-D2 & Wicket Plastic Cup Episode VI: Return of the Jedi Cups, Housewares, Partner Promotions, Plastic Collection: Return of the Jedi Company: Pepperidge Farms
Han & Luke/ Lando & Leia Plastic Cup Episode VI: Return of the Jedi Cups, Housewares, Partner Promotions, Plastic Collection: Return of the Jedi Company: Pepperidge Farms
Battling with the Light Sabers Plastic Cup Episode IV: A New Hope Cups, Housewares, Partner Promotions, Plastic Collection: Star Wars Company: 7-11