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For Everything There Is A First Time

As the title of this post suggests, this is my first time blogging.   I have been considering using this as a creative outlet since seeing the film  Julie and Julia in the theaters.  The only thing that held me back was trying to come up with something to write about.  After months of indecision,  I decided to just start writing.   I imagine that this blog will be a chance for me to talk about all the random things that inspire me.  I think that I have very diverse and rather uncommon tastes.  I have found people to connect with certain interests, but only once have I found someone who enjoys most of the things I like. Unfortunately they are no longer with us.

This blog will cover such topics as movies, TV, comics, serialized dramas, Sci-fi, musical theater, soundtracks, web sites, Blu-Rays, DVDs,  or whatever is on my mind at the moment.  I may write reviews of a CD, a rant about the a current storyline or a fond recollection.  There probably won’t be a common thread to the posts.  I highly doubt that anyone will ever read this but I’m sure if the point of blogs is to be read but rather to be a catharsis.   However, if someone stumbles across this, maybe, just maybe, they will find something that think is interesting.

“For everything there is a first time.” – Spock.  Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.


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