Bail Organa Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Fast Food Premium, Partner Promotions, Toys Collection: Complete the Saga Company: Burger King
R2-D2 The Skywalker Saga Fast Food Premium, Partner Promotions, Toys Collection: Complete the Saga Company: Burger King
Darth Vader w/ Sound Chip The Original Trilogy Fast Food Premium, Partner Promotions, Toys Collection: Complete the Saga Company: Burger King
Kit Fisto Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Fast Food Premium, Partner Promotions, Toys Collection: Complete the Saga Company: Burger King
Mace Windu Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Fast Food Premium, Partner Promotions, Toys Collection: Complete the Saga Company: Burger King
Naboo Starfighter Episode I: The Phantom Menace Fast Food Premium, Partner Promotions, Toys Collection: Complete the Saga Company: Burger King
Vulture Droid The Prequel Trilogy Fast Food Premium, Partner Promotions, Toys Collection: Complete the Saga Company: Burger King
Emperor Palpatine Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Fast Food Premium, Partner Promotions, Toys Collection: Complete the Saga Company: Burger King
Luke Skywalker Episode VI: Return of the Jedi Fast Food Premium, Partner Promotions, Toys Collection: Complete the Saga Company: Burger King
Padme Amidala Episode I: The Phantom Menace Fast Food Premium, Partner Promotions, Toys Collection: Complete the Saga Company: Burger King
The Mystery of Darth Vader 5 per case Fast Food Premium, Partner Promotions, Toys Collection: Complete the Saga Company: Burger King
Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Fast Food Premium, Partner Promotions, Toys Collection: Complete the Saga Company: Burger King
Yoda Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Fast Food Premium, Partner Promotions, Toys Collection: Complete the Saga Company: Burger King
ARC Clone Fighter Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Fast Food Premium, Partner Promotions, Toys Collection: Complete the Saga Company: Burger King
Snowspeeder Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back Fast Food Premium, Partner Promotions, Toys Collection: Complete the Saga Company: Burger King
Anakin Skywalker Fast Food Premium, Partner Promotions, Toys Collection: Complete the Saga Company: Burger King